QuickStart For Salesforce Sales Cloud and Salesforce Service Cloud

Select the Salesforce QuickStart implementation package that’s right for your business.

QuickStart for Salesforce is a range of consulting and implementation packages specifically designed start-ups, scale-ups, and shake-ups on a mission to make an impact with business development and growth initiatives supported by delivering the maximum value out of your Salesforce subscription right from the very beginning.

QuickStart for Salesforce Project

Whether your Salesforce solution is for managing business development, sales, customer support or growth initiatives, you will benefit from professional advice and support from our highly experienced certificated Salesforce consultants and fast track your Return on Investment (ROI).

Your unique requirements can be met with one of our personalised Salesforce QuickStart packages which we can tailor it to suit your unique and specific needs, benefiting from a deep knowledge of the core Salesforce products (Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, Marketing Cloud) and applying our experience of industry best practice.

Bolting on additional Workshops helps focus on the key skills that you need to secure in your business.

Why should I choose QuickStart for Salesforce?

The QuickStart approach is designed to simplify the implementation process, accelerate requirements discovery, uncover key success factors, and focus on unique aspirations whilst delivering a robust and tailored solution quickly, efficiently, and economically without compromising on quality, functionality, or knowledge.


Every project has its own unique requirements which are identified and prioritised early in the discovery process whilst you take advantage of our insights of best practice and common approaches to keep project costs to an absolute minimum.

What are the steps involved in a Salesforce QuickStart?

Introductory Call

Typically sponsored by a Salesforce Account executive, the process starts with a short call to familiarise ourselves with each other’s organisations, positioning the QuickStart approach. Securing an understanding of the key success factors and aspirations of your project and some simple fact-finding in preparation for a more detailed discovery call.

Discovery Call

An in-depth discussion with a wider group of stakeholders, setting expectations and establishing the high-level scope of the project. We discuss the challenges, objectives and timelines and provide some guidelines for both organisations to prepare for the FREE initial consultation.

Initial Consultation

A free workshop to formalise scope, run through your processes, reporting requirements and any integration or data migration concepts with the purpose of delivering a formal proposal and statement of work. In many instances, this is integrated into the discovery call where appropriate.

What happens next?

We issue a ballpark, and then a formal statement of work.

Design Workshop

A formal on-site kick-off to the project with identified stakeholders. Formalising the scope detail and processes, and mapping this to functionality to match the delivery of agreed objectives and success factors. This is when we gather all the information needed to configure and personalise your solution.


Our product specialists and certified Salesforce consultants team bring your project to life during this phase. They work on providing a tailored and personalised solution focused on delivering the benefits to satisfy your organisation’s objectives and embedding your key success factors.

Data Migration

A blend of methods to extract, transform and load data seamlessly into your solution from your existing data sources. Much of this part of the process is included in the Salesforce QuickStart package although more complex data migrations may require additional effort which will have been identified at the outset in the discovery call and initial consultation.

Solutions Workshop

A formal project sign-off workshop with the identified stakeholders to present the completed solution consisting of processes, data migration, and management reporting in line with the agreed scope.

Can I add Salesforce Training to my Salesforce QuickStart package?

Your organisation can choose from several prebuilt agendas for Administration and Reporting workshops. We can also deliver personalised End-User training initiatives.

Salesforce End User Training

Salesforce Administrator Training

Salesforce Report Writing Training

Customer Success Story

“One-third of our business has come from our ability to continuously follow up with our customer base since New Era Cloud implemented our new sales management solution.”

RTS Waste | Salesforce QuickStart | Customer Success Story